My Story


My name is Sarah K. R Harrison, I have a beautiful daughter that makes me so unbelievably proud.

I have been an athlete since the age of five playing softball, soccer, gymnastics and I even tried tennis for a short period of time. I have always loved working out and staying healthy.

After having my daughter I had to change my lifestyle to get back on track, and found a passion for working out as well as changing my diet to reach different goals I wanted to accomplish.

When deciding to become a NASM Certified Personal trainer, I found a passion to help others  along their journey to reach their goals, confidence, health, and lifestyle. All while maintaining a busy schedule.

Body of Agoddess Fitness is a family to support you, inspire you, and give you the confidence to help you achieve your goals. Whether your goal may be shredding, gaining weight, toning, body sculpting or mental clarity, I want to help you look and feel like a Goddess from the inside out!